Impact of Donors

Posted on January 17, 2020 in Impact of Donors

I can remember the first time I prayed in a classroom. I was 28 years old and had just started a Masters program for School Counseling. The act of praying in a classroom was very foreign and felt awkward in many ways. Religion and education did not go hand-in-hand- at least they hadn’t for the first 28 years of my life. Flash forward to present day; I now can’t imagine a day without prayer as I work in a Catholic school, and my husband and I send our daughters to a Catholic school.  

Posted on October 3, 2019 in Impact of Donors

When my boys were young, I always loved holding their little hands. Pudgy and soft or grimy from play, we'd hold hands watching a movie, simply out of love. We'd hold hands crossing the street, for safety. Or while we were out for a walk, I'd hold his hand, just because I could. Holding their hands always made me feel blessed.

Posted on August 23, 2019 in Impact of Donors, Thank You Notes

Dear CEF,

Thank you for helping my family and for giving them money so that they could pay for me, my brother, and sister to come here to CTK. You love kids and that's why you're doing this and you're helping my school.



Posted on April 5, 2019 in Impact of Donors

Celebration and reflection are two natural reactions to reaching certain milestones in life. Whether it’s a birthday, receiving a sacrament for the first time, or experiencing a significant career accomplishment, achieving a major milestone is cause to rejoice and take stock of where you have been and what’s next on the horizon.

Posted on January 29, 2019 in Impact of Donors

Every year at this time we unite with schools across the nation to celebrate Catholic Schools Week! These days are filled with joy, laughter, service, and prayer. Not unlike a lot of our school days, but this week we intentionally stop to celebrate all the blessings God has showered upon us. We will have themed days, praise and worship services, pancakes breakfasts, guest speakers, guest lunches, prayer services, Masses, rosaries, talent shows, and books fairs. We will collect everything from pennies to mittens to canned goods.

Put Catholic education within reach of every student.


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