CEF Scholar Dreams of Changing Lives

Carolina Ortega first learned about the Catholic Education Foundation as an elementary school student.

"I was like, 'No way, somebody's giving me a big opportunity to go places and to be a better person,'" said Carolina.

Now, as she prepares to graduate from Bishop Ward High School in Kansas City, Kansas, she's excited for the future and grateful for the opportunity to receive a Catholic education.

"My parents didn't really get to go to college," she added. "I want to do nursing at Donnelly (College) and then from there, if I have the blessing I want to be a surgeon."

Carolina was candid about the struggles that she faced during the pandemic, but noted that the support she received from teachers and mentors at Bishop Ward and the scholarship funding from CEF helped her succeed.

"You guys have changed a life and I feel like that life could be anybody’s," said Carolina.

"I'm grateful for my CEF donor and I hope to be one one day and change somebody's life, too."